Thursday, April 17, 2008

One of my fav !

Jing An Temple

I went to Jing An finally this Sunday,
Twice before I had met closed doors
But you know how doors open up
If you knock on them hard enough

A world within a world
Small courtyard with its pyre and burning incense
If you want a quick religious fix
This is the place to be

A woman with leucoderma sits unperturbed
Why would God make a fair woman fairer?
To reveal our true colour I guess
God don't teach me this way

The temples are something else
Many Buddha's living together
Tall, serene, smiling and compassionate
The fat one obviously laughing

Neat cushions to kneel and pray
'Thank god' we don't have to prostrate
Ranjit who came with me prayed but did not kneel
Sometimes its better to listen to your heart than your mind

A noble temple priest in the corner
With a Chinese scroll and ink pen
I wrote my name but not my wish
Suppose he understands what I really want?

A lightheaded feeling, exultation
What's the harm in believing?
That God's pardon
Could just be an sms away?

The exit is quick and easy
Just step out of the temple door
Hey - God's a great partner
With no strings attached
-Alok Kejriwal

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