Thursday, April 17, 2008

One of my fav !

Jing An Temple

I went to Jing An finally this Sunday,
Twice before I had met closed doors
But you know how doors open up
If you knock on them hard enough

A world within a world
Small courtyard with its pyre and burning incense
If you want a quick religious fix
This is the place to be

A woman with leucoderma sits unperturbed
Why would God make a fair woman fairer?
To reveal our true colour I guess
God don't teach me this way

The temples are something else
Many Buddha's living together
Tall, serene, smiling and compassionate
The fat one obviously laughing

Neat cushions to kneel and pray
'Thank god' we don't have to prostrate
Ranjit who came with me prayed but did not kneel
Sometimes its better to listen to your heart than your mind

A noble temple priest in the corner
With a Chinese scroll and ink pen
I wrote my name but not my wish
Suppose he understands what I really want?

A lightheaded feeling, exultation
What's the harm in believing?
That God's pardon
Could just be an sms away?

The exit is quick and easy
Just step out of the temple door
Hey - God's a great partner
With no strings attached
-Alok Kejriwal



Life – I had seen a lot thru’
In the twilight smiling at me
Or even sometimes falling on my shoulders
Like drops of rain
Focusing on me totally,
Full of grace while seldom full of disdain
All I saw every time, was different each time
But yet in it’s aweful looks, too,
It always seemed beautiful to me.
It shackled my hands strongly
Or even offered wings to be free.
It has filled my nights with dreams
And a joy overwhelmed
Or gifted my eyes with tears
And within a fraction of second
It can wipe off all my fears.
Love is more precious part of this life
I’ve been living sometime ago
I had even shun it, and remorse,
But like elastic or a rubber
Love comes back to me
With much more force.
Some opportunities knock your door once and go away if you don’t open the door. But there are others, those chosen few, who not only knock the door but ring the doorbell too. And even if you don’t open the door they pop in through a window or through your chimney, or even from your garage window. And if required even through your drainage pipe. They think might be you are deep asleep or else you are busy in the toilet. Or you are unable to open the latch because of your height. If you don’t have any reason to tell them for not opening the door, they’ll make the one for you. These chosen few are determined, and you are destined. Even if you don’t realize their importance and run away from them, they’ll catch you, anyhow!! Mind well, anyhow!!! Because this is your destiny. No one in this world can change fate. Everything is preplanned and not always but more often, HE has arranged the sets for the best play to take place. Our ignorance inherited from our ancestors Homo sapiens catch hold of our mind, which can’t think beyond limits of me and myself. We ought to ignore the more Supreme, the more beautiful and the truest part of ourselves. Our inner HIGHER SELF.
On your birthday no one has wished you in your house or at your office. And by the end of day while returning home you feel like shit, you feel alone and down. But HE knows everything, you go home and you are shell-shocked. HE has arranged a surprise party for you!!! And you smile once again.
You think your friends, mother, father or siblings has done this for you. But my dear, they were merely the medium for the action; the real director of this short play was THE SUPREME POWER. But not always the play end with a smile. There are times when you think with your eyes filled with tears the play has ended. Although in true sense this is only an intermission, which has been mistaken as an end.
-Priyanka.(written sometime in'99)


Time does not wait for u and me days pass & years pass,u lose ur loved ones,u move away frm ur loved ones,u move to different places,ur life changes, ur friends change,attitude changes , society changes!!!!But ur heart has those precious memories etched in it.whether u want them or not, they r there!making u happy at times ,sad at times and making u even painful at times,ur heart has those moments in tht corner where no one can see,wht is it?,they ask u seeing at ur blank face.and u just smile ,
saying,"THOSE DAYS!!!"

The life lived and the question yet to be answered
Every emotion not always to be revered
Right is this and that is wrong
To decide this takes so long!
For a very thin line divides wrong and right
Like the gray one which separates black and white
May be it’s the difference in sight
Which make the difference between dark and light
So life spent all in the gray
The part – calmest one in all this strife
Tomorrow the future- yesterday the past
For how long does the present last
May be its only the present which exists
Since past is always gone and future never persists
The barrier between now and then
Thinking this causes a lot of pain
Like an intruder, an idea trespasses my mind
Wonder if this is the way answer can we find
Life and then death may appear
I’m ready to embrace it anytime without any fear
Now I’m alive, no one knows the next moment I may die
Now so restless,
Then my soulless body in peace may lie
My lines remain incomplete as I am
I may leave this world as I came.
